Our accounting firm offers various services to help your business excel financially and improve organization.

Business Consulting Services

Allow us to identify the weaknesses of your business and asses them to offer practical solutions that result in growth and success. See a positive change in your management style while also seeing upward spikes in profit.

  • Businessman in a Meeting — Knoxville, TN — Harold C. Ward, Jr., CPA, PC

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Reviews and Compilations

A compilation is a written summary of your business's financial statements using the data you provide. We will review your statements, but there is no verification or analytical review.


A compilation is necessary to present your company's financial information or confirm that financial statements have been compiled. In this case, we do not offer any opinions or assurance about whether material changes would be necessary to conform with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). If you do need confirmation, consider a review instead. 

A review is a limited examination compared to an audit. We use analytical procedures to confirm your financial statements are correct while identifying unusual items or trends that may need further explanation. Upon completion, we can evaluate your financial information to express limited assurance that no material modifications should be made to conform with GAAP.

Client Write-Ups

A client write-up is an essential solution for your business. Allow us to give you the quality tools you need to perform successful day-to-day bookkeeping tasks. Having organized financial records provide a solid foundation to ensures success.

  • Client Signing Documents — Knoxville, TN — Harold C. Ward, Jr., CPA, PC

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  • Non-profit Organization in a Meeting — Knoxville, TN — Harold C. Ward, Jr., CPA, PC

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Non-profit Organizations Tax Exemption

Nonprofit organizations are exempt from federal income taxes. We can assist in setting up and maintaining your organization’s tax-exempt status.

Payroll Services

Your valued employees must receive compensation on time while you keep track of payment history, issuing checks and tax returns. We understand this can be overwhelming to manage. Therefore, we can gladly handle your employee's payroll calculation and recording, including taxes and withholdings.

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